New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Pinpoint Menu in sidebar working wrong

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  • Posted in: Pinpoint
  • #11341
    Post count: 2

    Hello, I use Your cool theme to build site for my client. I have problem with using menu in sidebar.

    You can see the problem here named “Asortyment”

    As You can see, all buttons in sidebar are extended, and when you move cursor and hover on it they hide. It should be the other way I think, first You see only main categories, and when you move cursor they open.

    I have one more Question. Is any posibbility to make loading of custom-styles.css faster, or how can I use cache?

    Cosmin – SUPPORT
    Post count: 3851


    Regarding the menu in the sidebar – our Pinpoin theme doesn’t have such functionality for custom menu widgets. If you’re using a plugin or a custom solution, you might want to check that.

    The custom styles file is a PHP file, so it won’t really be cached, as it needs to be parsed by the server. I use Cloudflare and it’s more than enough if you don’t have thousands of visitors per day.



    Support Assistant

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