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  • #184602
    Post count: 38

    Hello guys.. So let me try to explain.

    I run a bike store, so primarily our site will be about selling products. All the extra stuff such as contact us, who are we I do not need in the main menu. So I want my main menu to be categories for the bikes like:

    Mountain Bikes

    But if I just create a page like that and put it in the menu, then it will just open a regular page where I cannot put products. So basically my question is, how do I put a product page (not the overall product page, but the subcategory) as a menu?

    Nishant – SUPPORT
    Post count: 649

    Hello Dresstive,

    Create a product category, add products to that category.

    Then go to your Menus section to create a new menu. Then, add menu label, lets say you add “Bikes” then you will see a products category section beneath.

    Select your desired categories which you want to add.

Viewing 2 posts - 1 through 2 (of 2 total)

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