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  • #224411
    Post count: 34

    I am trying to create a meet the team page like in the demo

    Is there somewhere I can find the steps to do this? It is confusing and not covered in the knowledge base nor do I see any posts within the forum. I selected the category in the team builder component, but the alignment is crazy and it is showing the full text.

    Right now, it looks a mess. I tried to do custom excerpts, I looked everywhere for a setting to do auto excerpts… What am I missing? Here is what it looks like now, no way can I make this public.


    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    Can you try deactivating your plugins to see if that fixes the issue? Not sure why they’re displayed like that

    – Kyle

    Post count: 34

    Hi Kyle,

    That could very well be why it is so off. Thanks, I wish I had though of that. There are quite a lot of plugins, unfortunately I think they are using all of them.

    It may make the most sense for me to go in and use the page builder to create two rows, each with 1/4 blocks photo/title, link to bio pages. As long as I make sure the images are all the same size, this should look similar to a team page, right?

    Post count: 34
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779

    Ok. Let us know if necessary.


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