New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Uplift Max Mega Menu not Compatible with UPLIFT? Help

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  • Posted in: Uplift
  • #328540
    Post count: 18

    Hello – After hours of trying to figure out why Mega Menu isn;t working with your Uplift theme, I found the following on their site. Please advise on how to make it work :

    Incompatible Themes

    Some themes that bundle Max Mega Menu functionality override the menu styling. This ensures the theme styling is applied to the menu regardless of the settings inside the Theme Editor (but, in doing so, break the theme editor). Themes affected include:

    Helping Hands

    If you are an author of one of these themes please consider bundling the menu styling as a Menu Theme rather than overriding the styling inside the theme’s style.css file. See the StoreFront Integration plugin for details on how to bundle a new menu theme with your theme (using this technique will allow your users to modify the styling of the menu using the theme editor).

    If you are a user of one of these themes please contact your theme author for help with adjusting the menu styling.

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    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    The latest version of Uplift has full compatibility for the Max Mega Menu plugin.

    This allows you to create your own menu theme or use the one we supply called “default”.

    Please be sure you have run the available updates in your Dashboard.


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