New Landing How can we help? Cardinal Master Slider is not working well within Accordion/Toggles

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  • Posted in: Cardinal
  • #290826
    Post count: 8

    Hey there,

    Love your theme! Unfortunately I’ve got two issues I can’t seem to figure out myself …

    · The menu bar seems to disappear as soon as I click in to a project, how can I keep it visible?

    · Another thing that I haven’t been able to figure out:
    I’ve got one project (Life Medicine Resort Bad Gleichenberg), where I’ve got too many pictures for just one slider, so I opted for the Dynamic Tabs version to split the images in to different categories. While it seems fine on the desktop version, it’s all over the place on the mobile one. I therefore tried to work with the Accordion and Toggles, which seem to work fine on the phone, but the images are super small all of a sudden – on phone AND the desktop version! What’s the best way to handle this situation??

    Thanks very much in advance!

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    1) Please clear your browser cache:

    2) Please start by removing your JS errors:

    Post count: 8

    Done! And now? 🙂

    Post count: 8

    It’s still not working 🙁

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi @mirrorinterior

    What are you still having issues with? Please provide direct links to the pages in question.


    – Ed

    Post count: 8

    Hi Ed, thanks for you reply!

    The page I’m having troubles with is this one here:

    I’ve already managed now to have the right slider image size within the Toggles. The problem I’m still having though is that it’s not working on the phone, is there any way I can fix that??

    And one more question: I’d like to move the image titling a bit closer to the image slider and decrease the spacing between the text block and the image titling, how can I do that? Here’s the link:

    Looking forward to your reply!

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi @mirrorinterior

    Just tested that page on an iPhone, and all worked well – what issue are you having?

    Looks like you’ve also sorted the spacing on that page? If not – can you provide a screenshot to better illustrate your wishes?


    – Ed

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