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  • Posted in: Uplift
  • #308774
    Post count: 19

    Hi Swift team,

    could you tell me why the alignment of thumbnails in the Masonry portfolio is centered? I would like to have all the thumbnails left aligned, but I am unable to find the setting anywhere.

    Thanks for your help!

    – Ondrej

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    Can you update the swiftframework version?

    And also the theme version to the 1.3.2, not sure why you can’t see the update notice.

    Delete the current theme and upload this latest version, you won’t lose any settings because those are stored in the database.


    Post count: 19

    Hi Rui,

    updated both Swift Framework and Uplift theme (version 1.3.20) and the problem still persists.

    I have two more questions regarding the portfolio masonry:

    1) Is it possible to leave out some filters from the filter menu? I made a category (Top) specifically for the purpose of having selected projects in the top full-width area, but I don´t want this category to be displayed in the the portfolio filter.

    2) Is it possible to somehow translate the option All? I would like to change the name to German equivalent (Alle)

    Thanks for the support.


    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779

    1) Not by default. Add the code below to the custom css option.

    .post-filter-tabs .top[data-filter='.top'] {

    2) Add the code below to your functions.php file inside the Uplift child theme, the “All” word can also be translated

    	function custom_uplift_portfolio_filter_show_all_text() {
    		return __('Alle', 'uplift');
    	add_filter('sf_portfolio_filter_show_all_text', 'custom_uplift_portfolio_filter_show_all_text', 1);

    Will forward the topic to the development team because of the position of the last item in the portfolio grid.


    Post count: 19

    Thanks for the forward Rui, I have changed the date of the portfolio items and now the thumbnails are right aligned. Don’t know what is going on here…

    1) The filter is gone, although the blank space remained. Is there any way how to get rid of it? See the attached screenshot.

    2) Copied the code to line 26 in /wp-contents/themes/uplift/functions.php and nothing happened. Probably it is important to say, that the english translation will follow, so the changes should be non-destructive, but at the moment changes take no effect.

    Thank you.

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    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    1) Please also use:

    .post-filter-tabs li:nth-child(6n) {
      display: none;

    2) Please install and activate the supplied child theme, inside the child theme functions.php file paste the code. Please also increase the order action as I have shown below:

    	function custom_uplift_portfolio_filter_show_all_text() {
    		return __('Alle', 'uplift');
    	add_filter('sf_portfolio_filter_show_all_text', 'custom_uplift_portfolio_filter_show_all_text', 100);
    Post count: 19

    1) Solved.

    2) Not sure what I am missing here, installed and activated the child-theme. But when I insert the provided code anywhere into functions.php the whole site shuts down… Sorry to bother you, but I cannot get it working.

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    Do you get any error messages? Can you add your FTP details?

    Post count: 19
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    Post count: 19

    Hi guys,

    any updates on this matter?


    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    You did this wrong. You added the function to the parent theme functions.php, it needs to be within the child theme. When you then added the duplicate function to the child theme, you then had two functions named the same which causes the PHP error. I have now fixed this for you to help you.

    Post count: 19

    @David: Thank you. What about the language versions, how can I then change the naming?

    @Rui: Any updates from the developer team? I have added 4 columns portfolio underneath and it is left aligned, although when you scale down the window it is acting very strangely and is aligned right again. I also found out, that looks differently depending on the browser. In Chrome it is right aligned, in Safari and Firefox centred.

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    Glad to help out. You can translate the theme to another language following these instructions: Or if you want to use multiple languages you would need to use the WPML plugin.


    Post count: 19

    Thank you David.

    Could you please ask your developers about the masonry alignment issues? Seems like Rui forgot to do that. Thanks again.

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    You cannot align the items to the left, the layout is generated by the Masonry jQuery isotope library. You would need to edit the theme JS to achieve this layout – it’s not something that can be done via a CSS tweak as such.

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