New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Dante Masonry blog, category pages, and need html on masonry grid pages

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  • Posted in: Dante
  • #53287
    Post count: 10


    I’ve got several questions that seem related. Well at least they do to me!
    1) Why the difference between the masonry blog grid posts on your “effect” pages and those from when I click to filter by category, date, etc.? The category ones don’t include a “read more” button.

    2) How much control do I have over these pages? I see a “page” for each of the masonry effect options, but I don’t see one to modify for creation of category or tag pages. (Although it is very cool that this can be set as the blog default somewhere that I can’t find!)

    2) Can I get hmtl to show on the masonry grid blog pages?

    What I’d really like to do is find out where I can modify these. I want to kill the author, likes, comments, etc, for all of these. I just want to see art (if it’s there, although most of my posts will be text ones), date, and have the ability to turn off/on the “read more” button.

    I’d also like to create a post using some amount of html or shortcode that will show up even on the masonry posts. Probably just the inclusion of some colored or strong text. Maybe allow an unordered list with icons for bullets to show up.

    I have one category page that’s going to have close to 75 posts. I really need that stuff to show up on them, especially the website links I’m going to include on probably the 2nd or 3rd line of the post. To be perfectly honest, in this category I’m only going to write 30 characters or less and have no intention of people ever clicking through to open the posts up to the blog full view.


    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    1) That is a valid question, I will feed this back to the developer.

    2) You can set the style of category/archive pages in Theme Options > Category/Archive Options.

    3) To remove author/likes/comments you can use css to display none, you can also remove comments in your WordPress discussion settings, and on individual posts.

    4) You can add html in the editor if you switch to ‘text’ instead of visual

    5) See:

    Hope this helps!

    – Kyle

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    For the read more button:

    Go to /includes/sf-post-formats.php line 221 (function defaults to read_more = “no”), change it to yes.

    – Kyle

    Post count: 10

    Thank you for your response. This clears up several of my questions.

    However, if I use a shortcode (such as highlight), insert a “list” or use basic html for “strong” or change a color on one of my posts, these are not showing up on the masonry grid pages. What do I need to do to allow those to show up?


    Post count: 10

    Oh, and if I change the code to show the “read more” button, that’s going to impact things on a global basis, correct?

    If this is undoable, I understand. But I have most of my posts that the read more button would be perfect for. However, I’m going two of my category pages are really going to be just a series of tiny grid pages with only 30-40 characters on them. Is thee a way to let the read more button pop up on tons of my category pages, but block it from showing on those two?

    Is the character limit for what shows up on the masonry blog pages (by category) set at a global level? Any way that I could change that on a per-post or per-category page.

    Thanks again. Love the theme.

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    Is the character limit for what shows up on the masonry blog pages (by category) set at a global level? Any way that I could change that on a per-post or per-category page.

    Yes it is, there is no way to set it different for each category without advanced customization which we can not support.

    As for the read more, if you change it to yes, you can add display:none; on the categories that you don’t want it on.

    – Kyle

    Post count: 10

    Where do I see the “display: none” on the categories that I don’t want it on?

    Can you look at my comment above about not seeing the shortcodes or html when I’m viewing a post on a masonry blog view?


    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    You would have to do the display:none; with css.

    Not sure what you mean in you second issue, please provide a link and explain more thoroughly.



    Post count: 10

    I used the “highlight shortcode” for AAF-KC website.
    I used bold and a color on the next two lines.
    Then I added a “list” for the link to a website.

    All show in the full page view of the post:

    None of that, including line breaks show up in the masonry grid page (it’s the first post).

    What am I doing wrong!

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    Have you copied the content into the custom excerpt text area?

    – Kyle

    Post count: 10

    Yes, but I still don’t see any of the following show up in the blog grid view:
    – bullets
    – highlight (shortcode)
    – colors
    – bold
    – line breaks

    Without being able to see these, or at least some of them, I’m going to have to abandon the theme.

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    I will forward this to the developer. Hopefully get something sorted for you.

    – Kyle

    Post count: 10

    Thanks Kyle. Mohammad started to respond to my request.
    I think the problem might be that the stuff I’m wanting to show doesn’t in an excerpt, and yet globally turning off the excerpt and showing content doesn’t work on a longer post.
    Seems like I need the ability to define on a per post basis whether I want it to be an excerpt or content and then have the masonry blog grid honor that.

    Here’s what I sent him…………..

    Beginning to wonder if this isn’t possible in Dante.
    Just noticed that there seems to be an all or nothing manner in how a page treats the excerpts vs content. I guess it seems like the html and shortcode styling disappears in the excerpt mode.

    I set this page up to show content not excerpts. I get what I want on the post for Bernstien-Rein internship – I get to see the link, html coloring, line breaks, etc. But all of the other posts are also showing their full content. That’s bad!

    On this one, I left everything standard. You can see that the html stuff doesn’t show on the Bernstein-Rein post. That’s not usable either.

    Here’s what it looks like on the category archive page for March:

    Wondering if there’s some fit in between. Would like to be able to do something when I want to show the short posts like my example, as I have no interest in anyone actually taking the time to click through to get to the blog full view.

    In a dream world, I’d like to decide if I want one of the short posts, or I want a long one. I’d also like to NOT have to go in and manually create the category, tag and archive pages with some kind of crazy setup.

    Would it be possible to hijack the aside post to use for my short ones?


    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    I will close this thread as we do not want to be discussing one thing on 2 threads.

    – Kyle

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