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You can do in the translation file.
Where is it?
Could you give me the root?
in Neighborhood/language/es_ES.po
Here some documentation of how to translate
Thank you very much
No problem. -Rui
Hi, I see that you managed to resolve the issue. Thanks Mohammad
I would be interested in this question too as i need to modify the text for my site as well.
Hi, @Thomymaster – Which text do you want to change ? Just explore it. Thanks Mohammad
I want to change the text which is currently “We are currently in maintenance mode, please check back shortly.”
Further is there a possibility to adjust the background color of the page, which is currently #ffffff?
Best, Thomas
Hi, Please open to edit functions.php file to make this change. Please provide me website url to find exact css selector for background color. Thanks Mohammad
This is not possible as its a private site and can only be viewed via VPN currently 🙁
Hi, Please edit functions.php file to change the text. Thanks Mohammad
Add the code below to your custom css option. Adjust to your desired color.
#error-page { background: #CCC!important; }
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