New Landing How can we help? Cardinal Make the header "Naked (Light)" for every page by default

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  • Posted in: Cardinal
  • #121714
    Post count: 19

    Hi there. I’ve creates a one-page website for my client and I’m using the swift slider to leave a static image at the top using the Naked (Light) setting for the page header because the logo I’ve uploaded uses a white colored font. However there are some blog links that folks can click on that take people to separate pages and when they load it loads up a blank header, which in turn makes the logo disappear because of the white font. I’d like to add the same header I’ve used on the main page to be there as well, but without the text overlay. I’ve looked in the theme options but can’t seem to find where I can change the header BG to the naked style. And the only background options are for a boxed layout. How would I go about making the naked style effect that’s on the home page be the default way the header and navigation is viewed on each page?


    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    For any page/post to have a naked header there must be either an image or color bg section at the top. for e.g. on posts if you use the detail media and set an image, then for the header set naked.

    – Kyle

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