New Landing How can we help? Atelier Make Photos Same/Consistant Size Instead of Masonry

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #250459
    Post count: 15

    Is there a way to have the photo gallery images all one size in terms of the “thumbnails”? I like the masonry layout but for now I need all of the images to look uniform instead of the three different sizes.

    It’s using the single gallery asset in the page builder as there are multiple galleries displaying one at a time. All I did was create 6 different galleries and used the single gallery asset for each gallery.

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    I don’t think it will look good, but try adding this to your custom css:

    .masonry-gallery .gallery-image.item-animated figure {
      max-height: 100px!important;

    – Kyle

    Post count: 15

    Hello, I inserted the code and it helped a little, but some of the images are not aligned and I was hoping for something more “square” than rectangular.

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    To make them all the same size you have to set the size as your smallest image, which is the flag image and it’s rectangular

    – Kyle

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