Loving the Joyn theme! I’m building a site using wordpress for the first time and your theme is really great! I’ve been having one or two problems however.
To make the structure of my site, I transferred the demo pages to main pages and then made a menu structure of my own that linked to those pages (I also left pages that seemed important – e.g. related to the shop). All other pages I put in draft.
My first problem is with my home page
I set the demo page ‘Home: Magazine’ as my home page and moved it out from under the folder structure you guys had, to be a main page (not sub-page). Since I have done that I have been getting this warning:
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/rhysjcq52/domains/nupky.com/public_html/testing/wp-content/themes/joyn/swift-framework/core/sf-functions.php on line 1562
And since the sort/filter function of the blog posts seems to have disappeared, I can only assume it has something to do with that. Help?
The second issue is related to website speed
My site runs reaaaallyyy slow. I figure it might have to do with my basic server, but then I noticed that when I viewed your example site that it did the same:
Is there any way for me to speed up the site? I have very few pages and I feel a 20 second wait between pages is really a massive amount (I counted the 20 seconds and we have pretty fast internet here).
The last question is about bbPress and BuddyPress
I need to use buddy press to allow users to upload blog posts (which are visible via Home:Magazine), and I need to use bbPress to setup a help forum. I am not sure where to find these things in wordpress? It says on theme forest that these are included and I am able to find the options, but not how to add them.
All your help is greatly appreciated! And once again, thank you for the fantastic theme!