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  • Posted in: Ability
  • #22193
    Post count: 2



    Issue: The website is using the title attribute from the main menu elements to scroll to the pages. For example we have Clients page that uses “custom-page-three” title attribute and works fine but on hover we can see the tooltip so it’s not good. I’ve tried to remove or replace the title attribute using jQuery but of course if removed then the scrolling will not work.

    How can we solve this problem?

    Another question: What are the best dimensions for the featured blog and portfolio images so they don’t get cutoff from top or bottom? I see they are scaled differently, the scale proportion is different and I’ve tried to add images with the same dimensions as their containers (width & height) but they still get cutoff.

    How is this working? What’s the best approach for this so the images are displayed in full both on the home page and in single-post/portfolio page. Is there a “standard” width/height for them or a percentage somewhere in the code?

    Thank you!

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    Hi, that tooltip does not come from within the theme, it’s a regular browser information that displays the title of your page. You cannot hide that.

    Since the dimensions of the thumbnails are different than the full width display possibilities there will be a cropping. The solution for this is to simply upload an image which can be cropped without losing information that is important.


    Post count: 2

    Thanks for the reply Melanie!

    I know how the tooltips work, and yes you can hide them by not using the title tags. But I can’t do that because the theme is using those title tags as hooks to scroll to the page (id). Can you please provide me with the code to change the Main Menu hooks from the title attribute to the navigation label so I can remove the title attributes from the Menu items. Or tell me where in the theme’s code I can change that.

    Regarding the images, I’ve already tried different dimensions and they still get cropped. I’ve even tried multiplying the width & height based on the smallest ones but they still get cropped. For example the blog images have 340×163 and I’ve used images with: 680×326 and 1360×652 but they still get cropped. So the solution is? Or please provide me with dimensions that are not getting cropped.

    Thank you!

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    Hi, you can modify the menu in header.php and functions.php

    As mentioned, the thumbnails will always get cropped,

    The solution for this is to simply upload an image which can be cropped without losing information that is important.

    All the best

    Post count: 2

    Ok, thank you. I’ll look into that menu myself.

    Have an excellent day!

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    Thank you so much, same to you!

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