New Landing How can we help? Cardinal Logo & social Icons in sticky header

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  • Posted in: Cardinal
  • #138823
    Post count: 91


    Fantastic theme! Just had a few quick questions with setting up our header (i’m using a development server so can’t show you the live site).

    I’m currently using the Header 6 style in the Cardinal theme.

    1. Is there a way to increase the width of the Logo div and reduce the widths of the left and right configs? In other words we want to increase the width of the logo so it appears larger.

    2. I would like to add a subscribe button similar to the one on this site in the left config ( What is the best way to do this with the given options? Shortcodes & text do not appear to work correctly. Could I edit this in the child theme?

    3. You’ll see on the sticky header of this site ( that the logo and certain social icons are added to the sticky header as you scroll down. Is there a way to achieve this or include both (the logo & the social icons) in a similar fashion using the Heading Style 6?

    Thanks for you help. Loving the theme so far.


    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    1) Add this to your custom css:

    .header-left.col-sm-4, .header-right.col-sm-4 {
      width: 24%;
    .col-sm-4.logo-center {
      width: 52%;

    2) You can add a button to the header by using the text option and add a button shortcode

    3) Unfortunately this is not possible with header 6, only the navigation area is sticky, and the icons and logo are not in the same row as the header

    – Kyle

    Post count: 91

    Thanks Kyle,

    On point 3, could the logo be added to the left of the navigation area when the class changes to is-sticky?

    Kind regards,

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    Not without writing some php to achieve it, which unfortunately is beyond our scope of support

    – Kyle

    Post count: 91

    Thanks Kyle. This is fantastic!

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    No problem 🙂

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