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Hello My logo on my website is completely out of proportion and I’ve re-uploaded my logo and changed to default settings but it still remains out of proportion. Help?
Your site is down, please check
– Kyle
That’s interesting, it’s live for me and my friend. Can you check again?
Also, my header does not appear till you start scroll for some reason. Also I can’t change headers at all.
I’ve just checked my site on Chrome and the CSS looks all over the place for some reason. Safari looks good though. help? still can’t access the site
I’ve just fix it with my domain provider, my apologies, can you check again?
Still the same, will forward to my colleague to see if he can access the site
Can’t access, check if the site address is correct.
-Rui is the full name
Check now, you had your logo max height set to 30px when the image is 150×150
Thank you! Everything is now good.
No problem 🙂
Oh, as it turns out the problem is still there on Chrome browser, but looks fine on Safari browser. Do you know why?
You’ll need to clear your cache
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