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  • Posted in: Flexform
  • #8296
    Post count: 2

    I’ve looked at the entire support system and I can’t find a correct answer for this.
    I have a big logo for the page, but when I place it in a usual way, the menu drops to bellow the logo, even having enough space to be there.
    But when I force the menu to go at the same line as the logo, by messing with the “Main Nav Top spacing” by “-50”, the menu goes behind the logo as you can see at the screenshot.
    Not even the hack seen in this forum works well:
    #logo.span3 {
    width: 480px;

    So, how can I have the logo and the menu right? The logo size for standard and retina display are with the correct length size.

    Can you help?

    Ben – SUPPORT
    Post count: 690

    You might find it to be impossible as the logo is huge!

    If you wanted them next to each other you’d have to change the nav div as currently the nav div and the logo div will add up to make the full width, so adding extra width to one will cause them to go into different lines.

    So if you reduce the div next to #logo.span3 to the amount needed to keep it on one line it’ll have the idead affect, however due to having lots of navigation items it’ll look really squashed at the same time


    Post count: 2

    Ok, Ben!
    Thanks for the help.

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