New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Uplift Logo in one line with menu-links

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  • Posted in: Uplift
  • #280292
    Post count: 123

    Hey guys,

    My menu has 3 links.

    1. Textlogo: “My-Name”
    This page is a static front page. Its a page named „startseite“, which is not available in the menu, but if you click on my logo (text-based), you can get back to this default start page.

    2. list-element: “Portfolio”
    3. list-element: “About me”

    My problem:
    I want my page-title behave like a list-element (in desktop-version). I thought about naming the page-title with no data text (keeping it empty), so I could just set a real list-element that links to home-page.
    However this isn’t handy for the mobile-version, since I don’t have my name next to the burger-menu any more.

    What’s the best solution to get my “My-Name” in one line with my list-elements? But in mobile-version I want “My-Name” treated like a text-logo.

    Any ideas?

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    Sorry I don’t fully understand, what do you mean by you want the page heading to ‘behave like a list element’?

    – Kyle

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