New Landing How can we help? Cardinal Logo Image with Messed Up Width and Height at Different Sizes

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  • Posted in: Cardinal
  • #101160

    Can be something with my Firefox or the Inspector, but here I see this:

    Padding Bug

    In the first one something crops the right side.
    In the second one, the bottom doesn’t have padding
    In the first one something crops the bottom side.

    Before I could correct this with:

    #logo.has-img a > img {
        padding: 1px;

    But doesn’t works anymore.

    Oh, and the Custom CSS in Theme Options doesn’t scrolls. I need to install a plugin, ’cause the Child Theme CSS doesn’t works too… but I believe this is something with MAXCDN + CLOUDFLARE, and my server uses Varnish too.


    I solved EVERYTHING when I uploaded a image with extra space (10px) in right and bottom.

    But would be nice see a new way of calculate width, height, padding and position in the next update. I insist in use “Media Type” rules to give more freedom for adjusts and customizations.

    Anyway… thanks with all of this! 😀

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    Ok great! No problem

    – Kyle

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