New Landing How can we help? Atelier Login/log out not working

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #308038
    Post count: 163

    We have developed a site on a Siteground server where the Woo login/log out works. We have now moved to Kinsta and it does not work.

    I have talked long and hard with Kinsta and they insist it is not a server problem, but a dev problem, probably in the theme (i am not so sure about this though):

    “Please understand that this is a development issue, probably with theme, which is out of our scope of support. It’s not a server level issue. We’re using always the latest version of nearly everything and we have custom rules in our Nginx configuration, but if you check the articles below, these are coding level based problems.

    My best guess is that the method you’re using for the logout is probably deprecated.

    Please check this article:
    Please check this too:


    If to try to explain the issue:

    *On Kinta server (*
    – I cannot login as it will not log me out. It never shows login screen.
    – When trying to log out I am thrown to first one page ( where I have to confirm the logout, and then to wp-admin screen (

    *On dev server (*
    – I can login.
    – I can log out and when logged out I am directed to the my-account login screen.

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    I doubt that is related to the theme since it was working fine, it’s easier to say it’s someone else’s fault than help sorting the issue.

    In your General Settings I can’t see the Site address url or the WordPress Url configuration. What do you have in those settings?

    I manage to login without any problem using the wp-admin, and also using the frontpage login

    In this screen when I logout it asked me for confirmation and went to the admin area.

    You can also try to activate the default WordPress theme and repeat the process to see what happens.
    Check if there is any cache mechanism active, if so turn it off to make the experience above.


    Post count: 163

    I agree.

    Now they believe your framework plugin is not compatible with Nginx?

    Post count: 163

    This is their reply – I have testes it and they are right:

    Hi Anja,

    We’ve discussed this, and we decided to provide you a sample Woocommerce setup on a test install. It is using the same setup and the same Nginx configuration.

    The logout process is working flawlessly with this setup.

    Also, we’ve checked the staging again, and my colleague found a strange anomaly: the swift framework. After disabling it, the logout process worked on the staging site too. Please ask their support about this issue. I can’t believe a plugin like this is not comparible with Nginx.

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779

    Will have to forward this one to Ed.


    Post count: 163

    Ok – when will we hear from Ed?

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi @mariatrier

    Will happily look into this issue for you. Just to confirm – please can you detail the process you take when trying to log out – including the page you are on and link clicking. If you can provide that we’ll debug and check everything we can.


    – Ed

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