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  • #221133
    Post count: 10

    hey there,
    I have a question regarding linking images to product variations.

    say if I add variations to a product – in my case selling posters with the variations: framed, unframed, acrylic glass.
    If I now add a mockup image of what the print looks like with each variation:
    can I link this specific image (mockup with framed, unframed & acrylic glass preview image) to the related variation (framed, unframed, acrylic glass)?

    So once i select a variation in the dropdown menu, the correct mockup image instantly & automatically loads as big main image.

    If this is possible to do, can you please provide a code / step by step instructions on how to do this.
    Or which plus-ins I need to install to make this work.

    How does this work on multiple products?

    Thanks so much in advance.

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    You can check here how it works.

    New Balance – Variable Demo

    You just have to go to each variation and set the image.

    Hope it helps.


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