I have just noticed that lightbox on gallery and portfolio sites work a bit strange. No matter which image I click lightbox starts from the first one. What could be a problem? On other sites based on your themes it works normal.
OK, the update has just appeared. It’s updated right now on both sites. And the cache deleted.
On the classic4u deactivated security so you should be able to log in.
This is very strange I tested a simple gallery in your site and still the same.
Can you confirm with the hosting company that you don’t have any cache mechanism or cdn in your http://www.marcintrela.pl site?
Hosting company said that they don’t have any cache system on my account. I have tried few changes overnight but nothing helped.
Still, lightbox displays first image. I have checked other sites based on your themes. Issue occur only on Uplift.
Both sites just started working in Google Adwords as add target and works on Uplift. Its the only differences between all my other sites on cardinal, dante.