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  • #148089
    Post count: 13


    I’m having some issues with images on pages and portfolios since last update. On the site portfolios have been made with swift page builder and images are inserted as single image elements. In the settings area of the single images the lightbox links are enabled.

    Despite of these on the front end Lightbox does not seem to be working. When people click on the images they open in the same window as an image, instead of opening in lightbox. This issue occurs since last theme update.

    Please see portfolio page as an example of this issue. When I investigate these pages I see the following error: “Uncaught sf-scripts.min.js:6 TypeError: Cannot read property ‘split’ of null”. Please see screenshots of the settings attached as well.

    Please advise how this Lightbox issue could be fixed.
    Thanks a lot for your help in advance.

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    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    I think it’s because inside that Portfolio item you have 2 assets that don’t have image assigned and they can create these kind of errors. One it’s at the beginning and the other in the bottom.

    Try to assign them images or delete them.


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