New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Dante LAYOUT PROBLEM (FIREFOX AND MORE)

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  • Posted in: Dante
  • #36458
    Post count: 11


    Great theme, i have a problem with removing of the wordpress standard comment box on any page. I followed the instruction and still no result.

    The header when in mobile/tablet doesnt work properly, it still show the normal header style please see

    As to the support for firfox please see
    Before i forget, i ask this question before the indication on the side about lighting speed, when checking the speed it states grade C. so please tell me what to do to get it to grade A as state. Please advice?

    Just notice an other problem with the footer navigation, when resizing the screen the navigation jumps under the copy right line please see.

    Tahir – SUPPORT
    Post count: 1212

    1: It is likely a cache issue. Please refresh your browser cache or if you are using Chrome work in Incognito mode so no cache is been stored.

    2:Please try this custom css for the logo issue in firefox

    #logo.logo-left a {
    height: 100%;

    3: Please Use ‘Better WordPress Minify ‘ AND/OR ‘W3 Total Cache’ Plugin

    Hope this helps

    Post count: 11


    Thanks for the response. But in relation to w3 it still doesn’t answer my question. As I am swear if this plugin but unwarranted what are the setting to mummification of is & CSS as when I do it most of the stuff doesn’t work any longer so please advice on setting as indicates on Yalie grade as I am getting d grade. Please advice?

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    Hey there,
    I’m afraid I cannot follow your explanation at all – could you rephrase your question for us? Thank you!

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