New Landing How can we help? Atelier Layout Changes

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #327644
    Post count: 5

    Sorry if this is a stupid question, I’m not very experienced with these things.

    I’m working with a developer to make some small layout changes to the theme (i’m using the Porter demo).
    He’s unsure about how he makes these changes without them being overridden when the theme is updated.

    He has told me that there may be some issues because the theme uses third party template engines. He says that using the child theme he can change colours etc but not the layout.

    The things I’m looking to do are:
    1) Change the positioning of the links in the header (I want them to be smaller and tight to the top of the page, rather than in line with the logo).
    2) Add a line of text to the header on the left hand side.
    3) Add a line of text to the header banner.
    4) Add a banner and line of text below the products on the homepage advertising a special offer.
    5) Add paypal and credit card icons just above the footer on the left hand side.
    6) Add a line of text just above the footer on the right hand side.

    Any guidance you could offer would be greatly appreciated.

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    Is this developer experienced with WordPress theme development? The items you have listed are fairly simple tweaks.

    Everything can be overwritten via a child theme, template files, theme functions, new functions can also hook into our template actions ect.

    Post count: 5

    do you have any documentation / examples to show how to overwrite template files through the child theme?

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    No, most of this would be found in the standard WordPress child theme docs as it would use the standard WordPress way.

    Is there something specific (a function or template file) you have a query about?

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