New Landing How can we help? Atelier Layout cart and checkout

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #322833
    Post count: 102

    The layout of the cart and checkout pages looks a bit funny in that the total is placed far left of the subtotals (see attached images). Rather than have it say “Total kr 50,00 (inkludert 0,20 mva)”, would it be possible to have it say “Total (inkludert 0,20 mva) kr 50,00”, so that the sum is directly beneath the subtotals?

    Also, is it possible to change the translation on the button in the cart image that says “Oppdater totaler”? “Totaler” isn’t really a good word in Norwegian, it should just be “total”, but for some reason this translation just happens automatically.

    Lastly, the sentence “Meld deg gjerne på vårt nyhetsbrev” in the checkout page is divided and looks weird – is it possible to fix this?

    Thank you!

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    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    1) You would need to work with a developer to make that modification to the theme.

    2) Sure, you can translate the string to something different by following these instructions:

    3) I need to add a product to the cart to see this, most of yours seem unavailable. Do you have any in stock products I can test?

    Post count: 102

    Thank you for your reply!

    Regarding 2): I didn’t find that string when translating? I’ll look for it again, but I don’t think it’s in there…

    3) I’ve added a product called “test” now that you can use!

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    3) Your custom CSS is causing this:

    Post count: 102

    I see! I only did that so the cart on the previous page would look nice, but apparently it affects that one too… Is it possible to fix that page without it affecting the previous? (Custom css for each of them?)

    Also, I’ve looked in the .po file and I can’t find the word “totaler” – I think it is woocommerce that puts it there itself (by magic or something 😉 ). Are there translation strings anywhere else that I can look for?

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    1) By previous page, what page do you mean? As WP adds unique body IDs to each body class you can make the CSS apply to only one page.

    2) Check in atelier.pot, the translation file may have been updated from the recent WC3+ changes.

    Post count: 102

    Sorry about the bad explanation – by previous page I mean the cart page (handlekurv)!

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    Ok, in that case use this:

    .woocommerce-cart .col-sm-3.cart-totals-wrap {
        clear: both;
        width: 40%;
        margin: 0 auto;
        float: none;
    .woocommerce-cart .col-sm-9.cart-items-wrap {
        clear: both;
        width: 75%;
        margin: 0 auto;
        float: none;
    Post count: 102

    I can’t get that to work – it still looks the same!

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    Please use this:

    .woocommerce-cart .col-sm-3.cart-totals-wrap {
        clear: none;
        width: 30%;
        margin: 0 auto;
        float: left;
    .woocommerce-cart .col-sm-9.cart-items-wrap {
        width: 60%;
        float: left;
        margin: 0 auto;
        float: left;
    Post count: 102

    This changes the cart page, which I am happy with, but leaves the checkout page, which I’m not happy with, the same. (What I want to accomplish is to have the sentence “Meld deg gjerne på vårt nyhetsbrev” and its check-box on the same line nicely next to each other.)

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    For that you will also want:

    p.form-row.form-row-wide.create-account {
      margin-top: 30px !important;
      display: inline-block!important;
    p.form-row.form-row-wide.create-account > label {
      float: left!important;
      width: initial!important;
      display: inline-block!important;
      font-size: 19px!important;
      line-height: 8px!important;
    p.form-row.form-row-wide.create-account > .input-checkbox {
      width: 100% !important;
      float: left !important;
      width: initial !important;
      display: inline-block !important;
      font-size: 19px!important;
    .woocommerce .checkout #ship-to-different-address input {
      margin-left: 0 !important;
    Post count: 102

    I still can’t get it to work! Should I remove some/all of the other css I have added for this?

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    No, this is separate – simply add the above also.


    Post count: 102

    Hmm, that’s what I did… It doesn’t seem to work!

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