New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Dante Layer Slider Issue

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  • Posted in: Dante
  • #33777
    Post count: 16

    Hello again,
    I’ve been trying to get the layer slider to work.
    No problem in getting it in the page.
    My issue seems to be the options in the plug in.
    I have attached a picture.
    It’s not taking the size information when it is in the page. It is very very large pretty much taking up the whole big screen.
    The sliding control options ex responsive, full width slider etc, don’t slide and are not changeable.
    This seems to be the case whether I am in the imported samples, or a new slide show.
    I am not sure what I am missing here to make it work and properly size.


    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi Alicia,

    The demo content examples are for the revolution slider, not layerslider.

    So that I can be of more assistance, can you tell me whether you’re adding the slider through the page builder asset, or in the page meta options?

    – Ed

    Post count: 16

    Good day Ed!
    The imported samples I was referring to wasn’t the demo content for the revolution slider. That slider worked like a charm!

    I accessed the slider via the dashboard listing, layerslider1 image shows where. I am not quite verse on the descriptive terms for the various parts, so I brought visual aids with me :-). Upon opening it, there was an option to add new or import sample sliders. See layerslider2. I clicked it, and it imported the plug ins demo content sliders, and there was now a list. See layerslider3.

    I went into the home landing page and set the id to 2. It did show the slider, but as noted, very very large.

    I went into the edit actions from the slider panel, again layerslider3, which brought up my earlier picture of controls, but nothing worked, or changed in the page. I could see the slide image shrinking if I played around with the size, as it did take the typed numerics, however even that made no difference on the page.


    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi Alicia,

    I’m just going to go through and test the sample sliders on my local install, to see if I can replicate what you’re seeing and then point you in the right direction.

    Will keep you updated.

    – Ed

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Seems to be working fine for me. If you could post a link/login to your site in a private reply, I’d be happy to take a look.

    – Ed

    Post count: 16
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi Alicia,

    Check this link –

    I set the height to be 300px and you can see it’s reduced. I see you had it set to 500px, but it will scale up as the width was set to 960 but the browser window would have been bigger.

    Hope that helps.

    – Ed

    Post count: 16

    Hi Ed,
    With it set to 960, I was thinking it should then be 960 px in width, not full screen. This would look somewhat like the layer slider example on the plug in page. That is what I am trying to get. It remains at full screen. Its no issue with the revolution but for some reason with this one, I can’t do it. Also the controls like the very first image of the thread, for responsive etc, all those slider controls– none of them will move. There is no way for me to adjust the settings with it locked that I can see.


    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Ahh ok I see, well in that case you don’t want to add the slider in the page meta options. What you would do instead, is add the slider through the Slider page builder asset. That way you can set the width to be 1/1, 3/4 etc.

    Either that, or just embed the layerslider shortcode within a text block, or the main content editor.

    Hope that helps.

    – Ed

    Post count: 16

    Hi there Ed,
    Before I get back into the slider, a parallax question. There is an option to put the stripes over the video/image in the builder. I turn that option on, but nothing happens. I thought I would see an overlay.
    Am I mistaken? Is there something else I need to do?

    What you said in re the slider, I did do that. It really didn’t quite do the trick. However, I did go through info on the plug in itself, and found how I can add a max width. That seemed to do the trick on the sizing. It seems this plug-in scales where the rev slider takes its dims with no issue. That’s beyond my comprehension at the moment lol…

    Even with the dimensions ok, I still have the issue/question of all the other settings. The bars that you can set for responsive or not, for example, do not move. They are locked. I am not sure what I am missing here, as they need to move to turn things on and off. They are locked in the samples or if I add a new slider. I’ve reposted that image to make it easier to discern what I am talking about.


    Post count: 16

    Also, another question which I forgot to post in the above.

    In the area that the slider sits, is it possible for it to have its own background color/background?

    Thanks again!

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi Alicia,

    The parallax overlay is only for video parallax at the moment.

    Which of those options are locked? Can you try a different browser to see if that’s the issue?

    You’d need to add the slider within a full width text block if you wanted it to have a background.

    – Ed

    Post count: 16

    Good morning Ed!

    Every single slide option is locked. I can fill things in, but can’t move any of the sliders. I did try with chrome, mozilla, and IE. I still had the same issue.

    The only thing I don’t believe I have tried is a reinstall of the plug in. I will try that this evening.. I imagine there is a folder in the theme files for the slider, and I just need to upload that and reinstall. Am I correct?

    And if that fails do a fresh install of the theme??

    Ah, thought of putting it in a text box. I even tried putting it in a text box. I must have been doing something wrong… as I take it is not just putting the shortcode in there?


    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Tested here and I can change those options just fine. Can you check your browser console, and see if there are any JS errors on the page?

    There is a full width text box asset that has background colours, you should use that (not the standard text box).

    – Ed

    Post count: 16

    The error was me. Perhaps too much time using smart phones. I was looking for the bars to slide.
    Well duh on me, they don’t. You click and they move. Yep I felt a bit silly when I clicked for the heck of it, and it worked. Unfortunately, at times I am the cause of my own issues.


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