New Landing How can we help? Cardinal Layer slider & font sizes

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  • Posted in: Cardinal
  • #92568
    Post count: 86


    I’m using layer slider on my pages. For some reason font sizes (styles / font size) specified in Layer Slider don’t work when using h2 (content / text / H2).

    I guess Cardinal’s options font sizes (h2,h3,h4…) override the layer sliders css. I don’t get it – layer sliders css should be more specific. Used to have the exact same slider in Dante without issues with font sizing.

    How can I make layer slider’s font sizing work properly?

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi there,

    Looks like you sorted this with {} ?

    I checked and it didn’t seem as if the LayerSlider styles were set for H2 font size in any place – so it was using the theme size as default?

    – Ed

    Post count: 86


    yes I used for a temporary fix. However it is not perfect solution, since it forces me to use same formatting for all h2 content in layer slider, which is not very flexible design-wise.

    I tested changing h2 size in Cardinals font options –> yes it does change the h2 is layer slider too.

    It would be much better if we could use layer sliders more flexible formatting options here so we could format any text content just as we like.

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi @rhodez,

    Where is the sizing set within LayerSlider though? My point was that I couldn’t see LayerSlider outputting any CSS to set the H2 font size..

    – Ed

    Post count: 86


    here is a screenshot of layer slider’s user interface, where you can set the font size for text. The 70px I have set didn’t work, i had to use .h2-ls-l.

    The sizing works normally when I have set content / text to paragraph (p). It won’t work when I set it to H2.

    I have no idea where does layer slider output its CSS…

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    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Just checked the first slide, and the font size is being output correctly by LS, and is overriding the theme + you custom css – did you change something here?

    – Ed

    Post count: 122

    Merry Christmas guys. Could you let me know what the fix was here?

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779

    Hi @themartis,

    We never got a final reply from @rhodez. And we didn’t did anything in that case.

    What is your current issue and also your site url so we can check?


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