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New Landing › How can we help? › Themeforest Theme Support › Dante › Layer Button, Page Width and more
- This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 9 years by
David Martin – Support.
Posted in: Dante
August 30, 2015 at 6:32 am #208684
Good Evening:
I hope you are well. I have a few inquiries.
(1) When my site is brought up, my Layer button pops up before the slider does. Is there a step I need to turn off the instant way it pops up before the slider?
(2) I have a plugin called mailmunch and they gave me the code to put on the my layer button so that when one clicks the button an email box pops up. However, I’ve tried to place the code in so many areas (even the header options) and nothing happens. An error on the page.
Here is the Mailmunch directions I tried to follow. Please let me know where I should embed the code to ensure my email popups work.
{You can show a popover when a button or link on your site is clicked. First, get the code given to you in “Configure” step. It
should look something like mailmunch-pop-XXXX.
Once you have the code, go to the link you want to open the popover and add this code as a class. Here’s an example:
<a href="">My Link</a> }
3. I realized that in all my numerous revisions (hundreds lol) that I neglected to even pay attention to my mobile site. Do you have any top tips for those starting. My site isn’t too complex right now. I just want people to see the site in a user friendly way 🙂
4. Early on, I trashed all of the different pages that you had already set up for us (sad face). I was overwhelmed and didn’t know what else to do. But now I want to use a few of those pages namely the full width page. Your suggestions?
5. Is there any way to control how large the parallax is? Sometimes I think it seems too large for my page and makes it look like I have the web page on 300 zoom.
6. Speaking of page width, I don’t know if I personally did anything, but it seems as if my page widths among all are pretty narrow even though I checked in the general settings to make sure the page was not boxed.
Thank you so much for your assistance thus far!!
September 1, 2015 at 2:20 pm #209231Hi,
Can you post a screenshot of what you are referring to?
Sounds like they need to to add a class to the link, so this
<a href="">My Link</a>
would need to like this<a class="mailmunch-pop-XXXX" href="">My Link</a>
. Looks likeXXXX
would need to be changed to correspond to the popup. Please contact the plugin developers to clarify this.3)
Dante is responsive by default so you would likely not need to make many tweaks. You can view your site on different screensizes, using a tool such as this:|1024|768|1
What pages are you wanting to look at, we can send you the shortcodes for these. Alternatively you could ask your host to setup a development clone of your site where you can run the importer and get all the pages.
What page are you referring to, are you looking to reduce the height or overall size of the background image?
You have some custom CSS that it looks like you added to adjust the column/container sizing. I would remove that and it will default back to the slightly wider width.
DavidSeptember 1, 2015 at 10:52 pm #209384Hi!!
Thank you for responding.
1. I solved the layer problem. I hadn’t turned off the layer animation.
2. I will check with mailmunch after trying this first. Thanks!
3. Right now my content/graphics looks a mess on mobile lol. I definitely need to tweak something
4. I would like the short code for the full width page.
5. It seems that sometimes when I add an image to the full parallax, it comes of bigger (perhaps that could be the way I designed it in INDESIGN. I just want the parallax to look regular, not oversized.
6. I will remove the CSS! Thanks for the heads up.Side questions:
1. I had my main home page set to a naked header but my logo covered the home and about menu items so I put the page back to standard header. My header on all my pages are centered and usually the logo sits above it. But when I change it to naked, the logo gets in the way.2. I set up my flash page using a rev slider. But I want the images to simply fade into each other and not have random transitions. Where should I look to turn this off?
3. Is there any way to set up custom footer backgrounds or custom top menu (transparent effect colored) backgrounds?
2. I cannot find where to put my website link on the static layer. I wanted to add 4 static layers (ie icons) with links to the respective sites. But the process is a bit confusing.
Thanks so much for all of your help!
September 3, 2015 at 11:16 am #210079Hi,
4) Fullwidth page: Simply create a new page, insert a page builder “Row”, within the Row insert a Column with a 1/1 width.
5) Parallax: Would need to see this, what page is on and what image?
Side questions:
1) Can you set this back so I can see it, I maybe able to amend this with CSS but it will depend on the logo dimensions.
2) You would need to go to Revolution Slider => Edit your slider => General Settings => Transitions => Fade. Save options.
3) This could be tricky, what image did you want to add. An example for the footer:
div#footer-wrap { background-image: url('your-uploaded-image-path/your-image.jpg'); background-color: #cccccc; }
4) What are you referring to? The revolution slider? You would need to edit the slide and within this option “Link & SEO” => Enable Link
Posted in: Dante
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