New Landing How can we help? Cardinal Latest update to .16 has royally messed up Buttons + Icon Boxes + Rows/Columns

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  • Posted in: Cardinal
  • #197789
    Post count: 10


    The latest update in cardinal theme has royally messed up SPB_ICON_BOX

    1. For example the standard Icon Box Box ( Icon box type :standard) used to show Icons in a large size – now they are so teeny weeny small that I can not see it on the page.

    Also when I use icon box as a link – the formatting changes to random color – (see in the snap shot – order online is in black rest in orange!)

    2. My row element with two columns ( one column with photo – other with text) used to neatly fit in the row element on standard page width. Now the text is completely out of focus – infact I can not even scroll to see the page.

    3. My swift slider button – does not show up as a button – but just a link?

    4. The social icons have multiplied? facebook and twitter appear twice in the footer

    Can you please urgently looks at this as my webpage looks pathetic now…


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    Post count: 181

    Sorry to hijack this topic (too) but I have spent 10 hours + trying to fix things up too.

    It seems like the latest update has introduced some bugs to the page builder content elements.

    For example you set paddings with the slider for a “Row” and it seems like that there are two containers that settings (such as override classes pr0, mb0, etc) are applied too.

    For example I set the vertical padding for a row to 70px:

    The “.spb-row-container” inherits the override class “pb0” but then the “.spb_content_element” still has 70px top and bottom paddings. The same happens with most elements.

    Another “bug”:

    The row class always has a 15px padding and had to resort to this to get rid of that
    .row {
    padding-left: 0!important;

    Yet another one:

    The toggles – accordions + signs have an “atelier” font assigned to them.

    Had to resort to:

    .spb-row-expand-text span::before {
    content: “+”;
    font-family: “SSGizmo”;
    transform: translate3d(0px, 5px, 0px) rotate(0deg);

    The icon-boxes needed fixes too and the Icon Reveal buttons (large) are messed up as well (additional padding breaks them).

    I have noticed the a lot of the intruding styling comes from page-builder.css file.

    Please have a look at this since correcting a 100+ pages site ain’t easy.

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hey guys,

    Can you please both check that you have the latest version of the Swift Framework plugin installed? (v1.40)

    We moved the page builder asset styling there to ensure that updates were easier and uniform across our premier themes.

    – Ed

    Post count: 181

    Positive. I have v1.40 installed and WP 4.2.3 (multisite)

    I think there are differences between the two stylesheets and that is causing the issues. My main concern is the paddings applied to the containers that misbehave. Please try to set some row paddings and use an override class (pt0) and then check the inner spb_content_element. It seems as if the paddings apply to two different cotnainers.

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Can you show me a link with this issue present, so that I can check and adjust where necessary?


    – Ed

    Post count: 10

    hi, I updated swift framework and it seems to have fixed my problems.


    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779

    Great. Thanks Ed.

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