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  • #15731
    Post count: 37

    I have my latest posts page set to a page called “The Blog” through my “reading” settings. I cannot, however, choose what style the posts appear in (standard, mini, or masonry). It automatically selects mini as the post style.

    I’ve tried manually adding the “blog element” to the latest posts page, but this didn’t seem to solve the issue, and I believe I’m supposed to leave that page “blank” anyway so nothing interferes with the “latest posts” loop.

    How can I change what blog style the latest posts page appears in and add the blog aux options?

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032


    if you are setting the posts page in Settings > Reading? If so, I’d advise not to.

    If you set this, then the page will use the display settings that you have set in Theme Options > Archive/Category Options.


    Post count: 37

    Ok, how do you advise which page I set to be the “latest posts page,” and how?

    And if I do it a different way, then what what do I select as the “latest posts” page in the “reading” setting?


    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    You would set no page as the latest posts in Reading.
    You can use the page builder in order to create a blog page. Feel free to check our documentation for detailed steps 🙂

    All the best!

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