New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Pinpoint Language, Search, Login Header Icons

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  • Posted in: Pinpoint
  • #246448
    Post count: 9

    Hello Support Guru,

    I installed the paid version of WPML for site language versions, but the header globe icon does not do anything when I hover or click. The WPML page footer language flag does appear.

    When I click on the search or login header icons they don’t react as well.

    These header icons are enabled in Pinpoint Header Options.

    Any simple step I may be overlooking?

    Thank you! Jamie

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Please provide a login in a private reply so that we can see your site.

    – Ed

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    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    Hi Jamie,

    Can you deactivate all other plugins, leaving only WPML active?

    This is not something I can replicate on my dev version.

    – Are you using a CDN also?


    Post count: 9

    Hi David,

    I will deactivate all except WPML right now.

    I was reading over older posts again and noticed a previous customer header icon problem that was related to WP Super Cache. Which I don’t have installed, but once a long time ago I did have it and it was removed because of a different conflict…however, I recall there was code that had to be modified upon install of WP Super Cache and do not know if the “original” code resets with theme updates or if this could be part of the issue.

    Will reply in a few minutes with confirmation of disabled plugins.

    Thank you! Jamie

    Post count: 9

    Hi David,

    I did deactivate all except wpml and the headers work! The favicon is still not showing.

    I will try reactivating one by one to find out what is making them non active.

    Back with you shortly

    Thank you! Jamie

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    Great, please let us know for reference.


    Post count: 9

    Hi David,

    Did you just solve the fav icon issue? While I was testing the plugins the fav icon appeared.

    I discovered which plugin is killing the header: DAP Shopping Cart. A shopping cart for my store plugin.

    I will contact the team at Digital Access Pass and ask them to check into the conflict.

    Could you give me any ideas as to where they might begin looking? Such as where a shopping cart plugin or icon might be interfering or how you understand those Pinpoint Header Icons trigger or where in the code they might cross?

    I know that’s a broad question, but any help would be tremendous.

    Thank you again! Jamie

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    Hi Jamie,

    It’s likely the main JS, that controls the display of the language items. – js/functions.js

    I have not change anything related to the favicon either.


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