New Landing How can we help? Atelier Langauge options on Atelier theme and also editing Hero heading

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #286389
    Post count: 22

    Dear Madam/Sir

    I have two questions:

    On the top right hand side of the website where this a person icon, we get the option of My Account. Under that there is English language tab, and then a sub menu showing the demo site, and other languages. You can see this on the attached. How can I set the other languages? and how I can get ride of the Demo title…

    Second question: If I want to change the Hero heading across all pages with one attempt, how can I do it?
    At the moment set to Hero Tabbed, I would like to explore other option but takes too long to do this page by page. Can I have a css code? or any other options?

    Many thanks in advance.

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    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    1) The languages are set when you install and configure the WPML plugin. The demo title will be automatically replaced at that point.

    2) You can set the default here for non-custom pages: Theme Options => Default Meta Options. Else you need to set this within the actual page Meta Options.


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