Everything is working great except for one part. I recently added a team member and went from 3-4. I updated the Team element to show 4 columns instead of 3 and now the page will not load. I have done some troubleshooting, changing all of the different settings in the element, and it seems as if that is the only part causing an issue.
When I change it to 5 column, it works just fine as well. That makes me think there is just something broke with the 4 column setting. In the mean time, I have just changed it to 5 column so they will all display, but it is not ideal as it is now aligned over to the left with an empty slot on the right.
Let me know if there is something I can do to fix this or if it is just an updated on your end.
Thanks for your hard work on this theme. It is a great piece of work that I have recommended to a couple people. Recently just helped itrackingresearch.com revamp their site with this theme and their site is 100x more stable and much faster than it used to be.
Thanks again. I look forward to your response!