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  • Posted in: Dante
  • #270256
    Post count: 23

    I am having trouble with the Jobs section.

    1. Depending on who is logged in, the user may not see all the edit options for a text block. See the screenshots attached. I thought it had to do with the difference between an author and an admin, however I updated the user to an admin. When that didn’t work I even deleted the author user and recreated them as an admin user and it still only shows limited edit options.

    2. I am having trouble with the bulleted list. I read a thread where you helped someone indent the 2nd line when the item is long. I added the custom css that was suggested, but it didn’t seem to fix my issue. I put the link to the page above.

    Thank you in advance for your help.

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    Post count: 23
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    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    1) Check the user has not disabled the Visual Editor in their profile:

    2) You need to highlight your line of text and click the bullet list icon:


    Post count: 23

    Thank you for your response.

    1. The user did not disable the Visual Editor option.

    2. Is there a way to achieve the second line indent with the shortcode list? I am looking to change the bullet to an icon. See the What you’ll need section here:


    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    1. Click this:

    2. You can use our built in list shortcode. Here is an example:

    [list_item icon="ss-crosshair"]Item text 1[/list_item]
    [list_item icon="ss-crosshair"]Item text 2[/list_item]
    [list_item icon="ss-crosshair"]Item text 3[/list_item]
    [list_item icon="ss-crosshair"]Item text 4[/list_item]
    [list_item icon="ss-crosshair"]Item text 5[/list_item]

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