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  • Posted in: Flexform
  • #18449
    Post count: 3

    Hello, when looking at the blog archives, if the excerpt for a post is italicized, there seems to be an issue where the italics carry through to all content after that post. You can see what’s going on here:

    The excerpt for Interview with Angel Investor Esther Dyson is italicized, which carries through to everything. Any ideas, other than not making the start of an article italics? Thanks!

    Cosmin – SUPPORT
    Post count: 3851


    I would double check my <em> tags, looks like they weren’t closed properly.



    Support Assistant

    Post count: 3

    I doublechecked and the em tags properly start and end after the introduction text (and I removed/readded them altogether).

    I tried removing the italics, but oddly it wouldn’t update on the tag page. Don’t have any caching plugins either.

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    Hey, the problem is that your em tags are cut by the excerpt end, which means in the front end source code they are not closed, only in the single post. If that makes sense.

    So what I recommend is, since the excerpt ends after “a” in “was featured as a”, you close the em tags after “a” and open a new one right before the next word.

    I’m not sure if I could explain that right,
    if you’re struggling please let me know your login details and I get it done for you 🙂


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