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  • #73935
    Post count: 13

    Hi, this is the site URL

    Many customization has been done for that site, first of all to the catalog page, made up as a facet search page.
    I need your help to solve some issues with images. Is important for you to know that many and many and many tries has been done but that issues are still there.
    To be more clear: in a parallel installation of that site all the customization has been removed, WP, plugins and theme upgraded, custom css removed, but issue is still there.

    Actually this is what I have:

    • WordPress 3.9.1
    • a Customized version of your Theme Neighborhood 1.65 (the upgraded version has the same issues)
    • Updated version of Woocommerce 2.1.4

    So, this is what happen with images:

    Related products images
    Example Url:
    Issue: “related product” (on my site called “Specie simili”) images are not well proportioned, please, see in the screenshot attached.
    Browser: Google Chrome – Version 34.0.1847.131
    Responsive: Same with iPad and Safari or Google Chrome as well.

    Products list, Shop page
    Example Url:
    Issues: *With iPhone 4 in landscape*, images are not well proportioned, please, see in the screenshot attached. Same happens with iPhone and Related products images.
    Browser: Safari / Google Chrome
    Responsive: It happens with iPhone4 (the only one with I can test it) but you can just re-size your browser to see the issue.

    Let me know if you need more information about it. Website is live and my client cannot understand how his brand new responsive responsive website must have that issue…

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    1) Related product images look fine for me now, please can you confirm?

    2) Please update to WooCommerce version 2.1.8 and let me know if it fixes the issue. If not please check your image size options in WooCommerce Settings > Products

    – Kyle

    Post count: 13

    Hi Kyle,
    thanks for your answer. WooCommerce is updated 🙂

    Please, can you try to see a product page (i.e. with an iPhone? or even reduce your browser size like to an iphone resolution?

    Two different thinks happens:

    • Desktop browser: Related product Images will look cutted off to a 50% height.
    • iPhone browser: Related product Images height show a piece of the secondary images | In landscape visualization is same as per Desktop browser – above list item

    Thanks again for your support.

    P.S. I’m using an iPhone4 v. 7.1.1 – some screenshot attached

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    I’m not seeing the desktop issue, what operating system and browser are you using?

    For the iPhone issue you need to follow this article:

    – Kyle

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