I am having an issue with creating multiple tabs in Cardinal with unique content. I know Ed mentioned in the past that there was a known bug with adding accordions within tabs, but I didn’t know there was an issue with adding different page builder elements within the tabs…
Check out this brief screencast (best to watch in 720p) which highlights the issue.
#1. I created a tabs element with two separate tabs
#2. I added a team element into tab 1 and used the standard layout with team profile links turned on
#3. I added a team element into tab 2 and used the standard layout (no excerpt) with team profile links turned off
#4. Saved the page and went to the front end to preview.
As you can see in the video, there is something going wrong. The front end is outputting team element from tab 1 into tab 2 as well.
I have done a good bit of testing on this and its not a one off bug. There is something wrong with the tabs element in general. When you add multiple tabs and add a few page builder elements in each in causes a number of issues – e.g. The one I highlighted above, sometimes it adds all elements from tabs 2 and 3 into tab 1 and so on.
Page link in the next private post.