New Landing How can we help? Atelier Issue after update

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #294797
    Post count: 271

    Hi, since the update, my website is boxed instead of fullwidth. I tried to set as boxed and then fullwidth back, but dont works…

    And also, on the main page back end, “Swift Page Builder” is automatcally replace by “use default editor” after every pages update.

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    Can you provide admin access to have a look?


    Post count: 10

    Hi, I’m having this issue as well. It looks like this happened across all of the websites I’ve built using Swift themes. I’m thinking it might be a Framework plugin issue. It seems like when the new options that were added, for some reason it automatically switches to the Visual Editor, then when you try and switch back to Page Builder, a bunch of the settings are reset to default.

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi @winwithmidas

    If you can show us an example page which is affected, we’ll be happy to take a look for you.

    Just to check – you updated the theme, and the swift framework plugin – correct? Do you have any child theme customisations?

    – Ed

    Post count: 43

    Hi Ed.

    I just wanted to say I’m having the same issue as @winwithmidas on a dev site I’m working on right now. Everytime I edit the page, it goes back to the default editor instead of the page builder, and I’ve had to go in and reset my fullwidth items by hand because they seem to have been reset with the update. Just so you know there are others out there with this issue.

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi @kblochowski

    We migrated to a new meta key for the latest update, so that we can identify legacy installs. Once you re-enable the page builder on a page that will be all you need to do for that page.

    Any rows that are edited will need to be updated with the new options, but any not touched should be automatically adjusted to a corresponding new style.


    – Ed

    Post count: 10

    Hi Ed,

    Here’s an example, and all the pages using page builder seem to be in the same boat. I wish I had screenshots of what it should look like so you can see what’s affected. Here’s the link:

    Screenshot #1: When you first load the page/post editor. This specific instance is a Portfolio post-type.

    Screenshot #2: The live site after no changes other than the updated theme/framework

    Screenshot #3: The live site after switching to Page Builder, opening then saving the Row settings (no changes made) then hitting “update”

    Here are the version specs I’m currently running:
    Wordpress: 4.6.1
    Cardinal: 2.6.0
    Swift Framework: 2.5.13

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    Post count: 10

    Sorry, wrong screenshot for #1. Here’s the correct one.

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    Post count: 271
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    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi @winwithmidas

    These are fixed with the next update, going out shortly. As for editing a row after the update, you will need to select the new layout style you want. It’s migrated if it’s using an old setting, but once you save it will be using the default of the new options.

    – have fixed that for you. Full width layout wasn’t set in the theme options, but also we need to set a few rows to “Full Width (Stretched)” to get the full width look again. This is a new option in rows, to allow for better control.

    Let us know if we can assist with anything else. Thanks,

    – Ed

    Post count: 271

    I’m pretty sure that the page layout was set as Full width, not boxed. Maybe there is another setting available somewhere else now.

    does it mean that we can set separately any row in “boxed” and instead of full width?

    Post count: 271

    I just did the update and still need to learn about the new options. If you made a list of them it would be interesting to read it.

    another question. How is it possible to remove the space under a horizontal line (into text row)? (see pic)

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    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    You should remove the added <p></p> tags. You can use a Blank Spacer asset from the PB to set custom spacing such as this.

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    Post count: 271

    I removed this line but it doesn’t change the space.

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    You could test adding this class to reduce the bottom margin: mb0.

    Can you add WP login, I can help you better this way.

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