New Landing How can we help? Atelier Instgram/Twitter alternating as on Vario front page demo.

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #202872
    Post count: 28


    Are there directions anywhere on how to go about getting the nice alternating instagram/twitter images you have on the Vario demo?

    Looking at the HTML code, I gathered it was a blog post, with the social activated, which I’ve done.
    I’ve just picked a random blog category and offset it more than the number of posts in that category to stop blog posts appearing.

    I’ve gotten the instagram details and twitter details entered. But there is clearly a little more to it to that.

    I’ve got the 10 posts appearing, but there’s obviously a little bit of JS masonary magic going on to get them alternating.

    My html is showing the twitter posts all first, followed by the instagram.

    Any pointers appreciated!


    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    Please use the “Social Grid” page builder asset.

    You will also need to install the Twitter oAuth plugin and your details.

    – David

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