New Landing How can we help? Atelier Instagram Image Sizes Vary

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #287941
    Post count: 231

    My instagram image sizes seem to vary rather than displaying as square. Help?

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    You need to upload images of a minimum quality to Instagram, as the images are to small they cannot be properly sized to their container.

    The images cannot be forced to size either as this will cause distortion of the image.


    Post count: 231

    Well, I’m not sure how to deal with that. It never used to be an issue with your site – you’d just expand and/or crop as needed. But something changed recently and now it’s all but unusable. Is there any code to get the old way back?

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    Unfortunately Instagram discontinued the older method of obtaining a users images. Now we have to use their API to get your images.

    The images you upload to Insta need to be large enough to be sized back down proportionally. Try to be sure your images are at least 1024×1024 in size.


    Post count: 231

    I’m not sure this is accurate. Photos uploaded from my phone are all shot and loaded the same way, yet the image sizes vary on your site (if not on Instagram). Is it possible something else is going on?

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    Instagram’s fairly new feature is that you don’t have to crop images to 1:1 (square) ratio, you can expand to show more of landscape and portrait images, however the final image still has to be 1:1 so instagram adds whitespace to fill the square. This is the whitespace you see on the image on your site, the theme does not control this and it’s not possible for us to do anything to crop the whitespace off. You will just need to stick to the 1:1 ratio when uploading to instagram instead of using the expand feature

    – Kyle

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