New Landing How can we help? Cardinal Instagram-Icon problem & white gap between Portfolio header-pic and main Header

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  • Posted in: Cardinal
  • #309193
    Post count: 3

    Hi guys,
    I’m just about to relaunch our ski-freeride page I created the new page on a “construction zone site” and want to put it online as soon as possible. I still have two problems. The first minor is the following: In the header at the top and right side of “Home” are the social media icons. Facebook, Vimeo and Instagram. But the instagram button looks different and does not work.
    The second, bigger problem, are the storys about our trips I arrange in menue “Projects”. This Projects are our Trip-Storys and every Trip-Story has it’s own Portfolio. So the Portfolio-Thumbnails arrange automatically at “Home” and in the footer of a Story, you have read. But if you click on a Thumbnail, redirecting you to a “Portfolio”-Story presented in “Projects”, then there is a big white gap/space between the story header parallax and the Navigation-Menu respectively the main logo bar. For example:
    Is there a chance to move the Story/Header-Picture right to the top and kill the white gap? 😉

    Thanks in advance and best regards from Germany!


    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    1) The button style is caused by one of your plugins. It’s loading a stylesheet from the plugin: wpdm-button-templates

    2) Please add this to Theme Options => Custom CSS:

    article.type-portfolio {
        margin-bottom: 0;
    article.type-portfolio.single-portfolio-standard, article.type-portfolio.single-portfolio-split {
        padding-top: 0;
    Post count: 3

    Many thx!! I try!

    Greetings from Germany


    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    Glad to help you out. Greetings from a rather cold and sunny UK!

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