New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Uplift Instagram API update

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  • Posted in: Uplift
  • #272434
    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hey all,

    You may have noticed that due to the latest Instagram API update, that none of the Instagram assets within the theme show as expected. This is due to the API now requiring authentication, and restricts your ability to only show your own images.

    We are working on an update to work with this new API, which will require you to create a client in the Instagram Developer portal, and then authenticate your login with the theme. Annoying, but unfortunately something that will need to be done.

    We’ll get these updates out as quick as we can, and provide a guide on how to go about setting it up once you’ve updated.

    Thanks for your patience.

    – Ed

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