New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Dante Inactive woocommerce creating pages in google search

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  • Posted in: Dante
  • #75706
    Post count: 32

    I’m a little confused about what’s going on.. since the site went live, the google search on our website is off. We aren’t selling any products on this site, so we haven’t used woocommerce. It turns out our “legal trusted counsel” is also trying to sell aspesi jackets. Let me explain how we got to finding this out:
    1. We contacted google because one of the searches was leading to a blog that we built but deactivated. We added some robot.txt files so that the blog pages would not index, but with no success.
    2. When google looked into this further, they pointed out that the robot.txt files should have worked and are worried that our site was hacked. I’m not saying that it wasn’t because the blog is weird-it’s not even like the one we had originally built but then deactivated.
    3. I went to the comments on my dashboard and deleted and marked as spam the comments that were about clothing (you know those annoying ones that are trying to sell stuff through blog comments)? So now an empty blog shows up on the search engine.
    4. That is when I noticed that there are also products showing in a “store” that we never created. Then I realized that the products are the same ones that are from your theme demo data.
    5. I deactivated and deleted the woocommerce plugin (we’re not using it whatsoever)
    6. We had originally installed your demo data so just to get the ball rolling.. So this leads me back to asking what I could have done to avoid this? If I want to use this theme again and build another site, what could i have done to have avoided this mess? And also, how do you suggest cleaning up the current problem?
    Here is the search that google provided me with to show me what’s going on:
    and the webiste is:
    Thank you!

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032


    so you mean how you could have avoided the demo data showing up?
    Either you don’t import it to begin with and try to work from scratch or you completely remove it after you set everything up. I’m talking removing it from the trash and best also from your database table.
    Maybe with the help of your hosting company or a dedicated plugin.

    If you have any further questions let me know!

    All the best

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