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  • #26829
    Post count: 43

    why this theme is so slow? i’ve tried every plugin like head cleaner or wp super cache. but nothing change! there’s a way to improve the speed? I need it because I want to use it for my official store and now it’s impossible to use because the user experience is bad! in Google page speed i’ve scored 34 for mobile and 54 on desktop and I can’t continue to use this theme!

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032


    the theme is not slow, it’s the content that makes it slow. If you let us know your website URL we take a look at your issue.


    Post count: 65

    Google page speed indeed does show something. The fact that Swiftideas uses a CDN probably makes a lot of difference. But still your stylesheets require optimization according to Google:



    I promise that if there was a detailed post written by one of the developers how to optimize these things (I don’t even use the Google maps API, what should I do?) there would be a lot less people complaining about the ‘speed of the theme’.

    “It’s not us, it’s you but we’ll take a look” answers may sometimes be true, but they don’t help other users. A more detailed answer would be helpful to a lot of people 🙂

    Have a great weekend.


    Post count: 43
    Post count: 8

    Rob, I had horrible performance issues using this theme on a site hosted with MediaTemple (shared). I moved it to Inmotion (shared) and performance is much better. I’m not sure exactly why, but I’m assuming it just has to do with the difference in server configurations.

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)

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