New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Pinpoint Importing the Demo Content

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  • Posted in: Pinpoint
  • #16891

    Dear Support, I have just purchased and installed Pinpoint theme. Now, importing the demo file using WordPress Importer plugin leads to have a huge menu made of all the pages (from the menu side, all pages are at the first menu level). Should any setup be done before starting the import. Also, should both txt files homesliderthin and pinpoint_theme-options (part of the demo folder) be imported ? Your documentation does not sound very clear for me on this subject.
    Thanks for your advice,
    William Fracheboud

    Cosmin – SUPPORT
    Post count: 3851

    Hi William,

    For the menu, you will see that there are now multiple menus in Appearance/Menus – it’s showing like that because it’s listing all your pages; you need to select one of the imported menus or create your own and assign it to a menu area.

    The homeslider and theme options are optional; you can import them to get what we have in the demo, so you quickly understand the options and how slides are setup.



    Support Assistant

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