New Landing How can we help? Atelier Images missing and design settings vanished

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #328027
    Post count: 195


    I have a major issue.
    Im uploading new images and content to a page but then when I click update the images and text vanishes.
    and then when I click to go back to edit, It says

    “there’s nothing here yet,
    add something to get started

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    This was identified and a release prepared and sent out over Friday/Saturday. Please be sure you have updated to the latest Swift Framework plugin version from your dashboard.

    As this change involved amending the plugin core JS files, you will need to refresh the browser cache to pull in the new files.


    Post count: 4

    Hi David,

    I have the same problem and i don’t know what to do (it appear after upgrading to wordpress 4.8 )

    I trashed the browser cache etc before and after the update and it’s still not working. I try in three browser (safari, chrome, firefox) on two different computer.

    It’s not the only problem : I can’t use a specific font family in custom CSS since the update to wordpress 4.8

    Thank you !

    Post count: 195


    I still have text missing in text boxes when I go to edit.
    Whats up with this? I cannot edit the page or everything in the text boxes will get deleted.!!!

    Post count: 195

    This issue is on all browsers on my computer but it is working normal on a different computer.. How is this possible?

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    This was identified and a release prepared and sent out. Please be sure you have updated to the latest Swift Framework plugin version from your dashboard.

    As this change involved amending the plugin core JS files, you will need to refresh the browser cache to pull in the new files.

    There were two issues:

    1) Disappearing page builder content – resolved on Friday/Saturday with the latest updates.

    2) Formatting removed – resolved, we are working on this now.


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