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Yes i have, it is showing on desktop but not mobile
Please provide me with a login so I can check
– Kyle
admin: bossofkicksadmin password:Hondda1980
That’s not working for me
i’m sorry i think i had it hidden when cart empty. thanks sooooooooo much for your help.
one last thing, i have searched forum and cant find a thread on how to add product search instead of wordpress search to nav
thank you
I’m afraid that’s not possible unfortunately
Your site isn’t loading for me, please check
Try this:
@media only screen and (max-width: 768px) { .woocommerce ul.products li.product figure { padding-bottom: 461px; } }
Again, you may need to adjust the value
hi that hasnt worked. and these products i have just added still jumping on all devices :
The 2 pieces of css I have provided you with should help with the problem, however theres no way you can stop it from happening completely.
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