New Landing › How can we help? › Atelier › Image zoom is not centered
The image zoom is not centered when the Product slider thumbs position is set to “left”. How to fix it?
Can you provide us the link to that page so we can inspect the code? Thanks
I’m not sure I 100% follow can you screenshot or screencast the zoomed state also just to clarify this?
I added the screenshot, The zoom is cropped, not filling the whole area of the original image…
That’s strange, I tested in my development server and it’s working fine.
Can you try to regenerate the site thumbnails using this plugin?
I tried, it did not helped. I think the zoom is not centered when the Product slider thumbs position is set to “left” and there are no thumbnails to display… But dont know how to fix it.
If you set the thumbnails below, will it work fine?
Exactly, but I dont want them there…
Apologies for the delay on this, I’ll check this with the lead dev now.
Hello I have the exact same issue,
Please let me know.
Hi there,
Please can you try adding this css:
.lSSlideOuter.vertical .zoomContainer { left: 50%!important; transform: translateX(-50%)!important; }
That should sort it – let us know and we’ll get it added.
– Ed
Hello Ed,
this works great in my end
Thank you!
Glad it’s sorted. Thanks Ed.
It works for me as well! Thanks! 🙂
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