New Landing How can we help? Atelier Image sizing issues

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #248476
    Post count: 25


    I hope you can help. I am having issues with the sizes that images in my category pages are displaying. I have my woo commerce category pages to set up to display products as ‘standard’ but they are of varying heights and its all currently looking a mess. How do I resolve this? I’m not sure how to get my woo commerce and atelier settings to match and also do i need to upload images as a specific size or will they be resized? I’m building a multi-vendor marketplace and am having my vendors begin uploading products so i need to know how to solve this soon before I get lots of images uploaded that are all the wrong size! NB on my homepage I do have some products set to display in gallery format. will the settings also work to display them properly?

    additionally – some of my vendors are uploading jpegs as images – is this going to cause a problem with page load speeds or is there something in the theme that compresses them sufficiently? i was sticking to uploading GIFs but it is a pain having to do this if files need converting so i wanted to check how it is set up before i have hundreds of jpegs uploaded to the site!

    Thanks for your help – apologies for my lack of knowledge. I’ve tried playing around with it but thought it is better to just ask at this stage!

    many thanks,

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    Hi Philippa,

    If you want your images to be square, you will need to adjust the size. For example the category pages output 270×270 so you would want to look to upload an image of around 1080 x 1080 in size that will then nicely scale down proportionally.

    When you change the image sizes in WooCommerce (WooCommerce > Settings > Products > Display), be sure to re-generate the images using this plugin: else the sizes will not work and become blurred.

    If you want to compress and optimise your image size, I suggest using this plugin: this will reuduce the image size on upload. You should still optimise the image for web before, for example a .jpg that has been saved for web at and then passed through an app like will help further.


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