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  • Posted in: Flexform
  • #25030
    Post count: 9

    What image sizes should I use through the different column layouts? Now I double the size in pixels for 4-col, 270×2. And I use the 1170x for the rest cols. Is this the “right” way?

    laranz – SUPPORT
    Post count: 3186


    Sorry for a late response. I didn’t get a clear point from your question. You means whats the size of the images to put inside the columns like this?

    Let me know, What you got.


    Post count: 9


    What I mean is the sizes of all images through the theme in all areas. Also for retina support. I have understand it like this; For Rev. Slider I use 2500x450px. For all other areas I can use 1170x (for example) 940px and this size will support and suit well in all other areas.

    My question is. Is this the right/most flexible/easy way?

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    Hi, the easiest way to find out all the image sizes is to grab Firebug or use Chrome’s right click tool Inspect Element. With this tool activated you can hover over all our images (and all other areas) in the demo to find out how wide and tall they are.


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