New Landing How can we help? Cardinal Image height and post type question

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  • Posted in: Cardinal
  • #108712
    Post count: 73

    Hi there. I have a two-part question that I hope you could help me with.

    1. I am using an Events plugin for my site and have set the options to use the Swift page setup for the event post types – but, the Meta options that show on the regular pages are not showing up in the back end to affect any change to the header, slider and such. Is there to get those options to show up?

    2. This page is showing an event post type (one where I can’t hide the Featured Image via the Meta options) My question is can I force the height of the image to be 300-350px but still page wide? If we can’t get the Meta options to not show the Featured image can adjustments be made via CSS. When I try to force the height – it shrinks the whole image down to 300px vs. just shrinking the space the image sits in.


    laranz – SUPPORT
    Post count: 3186


    1. Those meta options are only for Pages, if you want to include those in the Events plugins, it need a lot of code editing I am afraid. ( You mean this for the Events pages right? )
    2. You can ask the plugin author about reduce the feature image height, or you can view the single events page ( in the codes ) and see the use of “the_post_thumbnail” and reduce the height and width in that.


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